IGEL Sales University
As you already know, IGEL is planning a Sales University, (Sales training) event in Florida from Tuesday 25th January 2022 to Thursday 27th January 2022.
And guess what? – you are invited to join!
This Sales University provides an excellent opportunity for all sales and marketing staff to come together, learn, share and plan for our growth in 2022.
While there is much uncertainty around COVID-19, we are very keen to try our best and make this event a reality. Safety and wellbeing continue to be a priority and we will implement as many safety measures as possible to ensure this event is a success and safety.
As we look to book the hotel and start booking flights it is extremely important for us to capture some information from you on your current situation and information required to book the flights. We understand that legal requirements and personal situations can change over the next weeks, so the questions are based on the current situation.
Please note – we request all attendees to stay on Thursday night and travel home on the Friday.